Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Jolly Good....Fellows!

Teach For India was featured in the Times of India daily today in an artcile titled "Jolly Good Fellows" that profiled a few Fellows and talked about our training. The journalist Pronoti Datta picked up a Fellow Madhumita's fantastic quote "The power to change is so immense it gives me goosebumps".

This quote captures the moment quite well - now we feel equipped with some strategies for teaching sucess after 4 weeks of training and there is an optimistic enthusisam that emanates from the knowledge that we will do much more in 2 years. Yet, we are so overwhelmed by quantum of change that stares straight into our face.

Ideally, I would have liked to blog my experiences everday, each experience at a time. I have been trying hard to find time between my training to blog about my experiences right from Day 0 but, a hectic schedule and multiple laptop failures has meant I have been unable to achieve that goal. I hope to do a better job in the future.

I am savoring the moment of being featured in a national daily, so till my next post please then read the article and post comments.


  1. Congrats! Looking forward to reading your future updates. :)

  2. As much as I enjoy reading your posts, don't worry about it so much. You are doing a LOT already! Way to go! -Meenakshi.
